Westminster Abbey

Westminster Abbey is the resting place for Britain's monarchs and the venue for coronation and more recently the place where Prince William and Kate Middleton married.

It holds the Coronation Chair which was made 1301.All monarchs have been crowned in the coronation chair since Edward II except for Queen Mary and Mary II. It is made of English Oak and holds the Stone of Scone, which is the Coronation seat for Scotland Kings which was seized by Edward I.

It is a huge church with many rooms of to hold the numerous tombs including Elizabeth I, Mary Tudor (Henry VIII’s daughter),  Henry VII and James II. There is even a Poets' Corner where tombs or memorials are of poets such as Charles Dickens, Shakespeare. It brings to light how rich the history really is in England.

I know that Westminster Abbey is one of the more expensive tourist sites but I really enjoyed it and thought it was worth the money. The price of admission includes a free audio guide to take around with you.

I visited Westminster Abbey the day after Prince William and Kate Middleton's wedding. It was very beautiful and serene and a perfect place for a wedding for a future king!