Thankful for the Shopping Hours

I know that the hours of shopping are limited compared to the States but I kind of like it. You see my New Years Resolution was not to buy any clothes. I blog about it on my Green, Crafty & Thrifty Kim blog. I like many other people had to redress my spending habits when I was separating like many people did when the recession hit.

I do my shopping mostly during the week or nip into the grocery store on my way to brownies or on the way home. I have told you about the corner shop that helps me get the items I need for dinner or whatever baking I am doing.

I have enough stuff, you know that storage space is lacking in English homes so I don't have anywhere to keep it all. If I don't have time to do it during the week, I have Saturdays if its something I really need.

I know its a bit controversial but I like that Sundays are limited shopping hours, its a good time to spend with your family which I am sure we can all agree we could use more of.

Also because of the exchange rate, perhaps you will decide too that you have enough and  instead go and experience living here which is something money can't buy.

This is just my personal thought... I think I going to spend my money on experiences and not things, I can't take them with me but through pictures, those experiences last forever.