Thankful for Sundays

I love that Sundays here are a family day and that there is a preservation of having a day of rest in the week from everything. I like that the shopping hours are limited but 6 hours is plenty of time to do and 'emergency' shopping and most corner shops are open longer in case you need to get milk or other staples items.

During the summer we go to the sailing club and walk the dog around the River Cam, have a leisurely lunch and wind down. I love seeing the families out walking along the paths spending time together. I personally feel that we all need a break from the go, go, go mindset and hope that you will enjoy the downtime and spend time with your family. It doesn't have to cost anything either. During the months when the weather is good you can picnic in the park or walk along the footpaths. When the weather is bad, you can go to the free museums or stay home playing games, watching movies but I think being with each other is important. We are often so busy, coming home only to leave to go somewhere else and we need to reconnect frequently, I know I am just like you with my calendar filled to the brim.

I even try to unplug myself from my computer on Sundays, I think 6 days is enough of time being spent on here.

So I hope that you will unplug and enjoy the day with your family and rest because I know you have a lot on the coming week.