Thankful for Varagesales

Not sure if you knew this but I started a Facebook group for people to be to sell, buy, exchange, or give away their stuff in the RAF Mildenhall/Lakenheath area. It was the first of the kind and my real motivation behind it was to prevent people from throwing stuff away. Well it grew into the biggest one and because we had so many members, we had rules to help it run smoothly. That created a lot of grief for me and the other admins.

Anyways, I came across this thing called Varagesales. I took a look at it and other admins of FB groups said how much easier it made their lives. So I made the decision to move my FB group over and it continues to grow!

Varagesales is a platform that makes managing your groups so much easier. It is integrated with your FB but makes uploading pics in categories so much easier, deletes sold items after 7 days and as an admin, makes my life so much easier. It has saved me so much time and effort.

So if you are in the area, come join our group in Varagesales and happy selling!


  1. I was researching reviews on VarageSales since I'm in Canada and having very limited success in my area. What a pleasant surprise to find your Blog. Great stuff!. I hope you will not mind if I add you to mine too.

    1. No that is fine! Keep up with the Varagesales, ours is still growing!
